Why do we keep voting in the same people into office? Then, expecting for things to get better. Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity. In Hawaii’s case, Democrats have had control of the legislature for over forty years. It’s only been the last six years that we’ve had a Republican governor. Politicians have proven that they cannot and will never answer all of the social ills, failing infrastructure, ever increasing traffic, and public safety issues that we face.
If that’s the case, why do we keep putting the same idiots from the same party, the supposed party of the people, in office? I am convinced that the people of Hawaii are gluttons for punishment. We complain about how bad the education system is failing our children. We complain about how bad traffic is. We complain about the ever-increasing cost of living. We complain how corrupt our politicians are. We are being taxed, literally, out of house and home. And, what really puts an itch in my butt, why does the Hawaii State Teachers Association openly endorse two politicians recently arrested for DUI?
Why don’t we vote these idiots out? Please when election time comes around, please do the sane thing and vote out the incumbents. Vote for the other guy/gal.
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