Wednesday, September 24, 2008


His suit is vacuumed, tight against every inch of his body, which had become especially uncomfortable, after it began invading every crack and crevice it managed to find.
Struggling. Climbing up the side of the immense immenseness of the tower, the mask creature glanced down to see his progress, to see his fans. He is up around the eighth floor, and students in the hallways are pointing, laughing, egging him on. They love this.

He falters slightly, as the wind sucks the life from his contacts rendering him blind for a moment. He hears the gasps and whooping as he regains his composure and immediately begins the trek up the concrete giant. His heart shrieks with excitement as he gazes upward and realizes the immense immenseness of the journey. The journey never has to end!

He moves cautiously. Slowly inching his way to glory. His arms and Legs tremble, searing with exhaustion, yet the ecstasy of the climb is too over whelming. The only audible sound is the blood banging on his forehead, threatening to break free.

A mob forms below, absorbing every person that gets too close. Soon the walkway is packed with students, teachers, delivery men, cafeteria workers, gardeners, and even some creepy old men who like to just wander around the university campus. Everyone in the mob seems to be watching, waiting, itching for something to come crashing down, smashing the sturdy monotony of their daily routines.

A fire truck, three police cars, an ambulance, and four news vans part the sea of people. A cop starts barking through a megaphone, asking if anything is wrong, if he’s planning to jump, why he’s up there. They demand that he gets down. He climbs. The cop starts to get irritated; he can see the look on his face as his eyes widen, and he rubs his head in confusion.

His whole suit is drenched with sweat, and the fatigue is getting unbearable, but he’s so close to his goal. A small cheer section has formed below, chanting, pushing him onward. His last story was upon him. He climbs. The cheering below has drowned out the megaphone, and the police give up.

He collapses, sprawled out on the rooftop, breathing so hard his head is going numb, his body so stiff he can’t move anything but his head. He closes his eyes. He climbs.

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