Monday, September 15, 2008

Troubles I have in writing.

Its night and the only thing keeping you awake is the blinding glare coming from your computer screen. The time is already 11:30pm, and you have yet to start typing your essay that is due first thing tomorrow morning. You open Microsoft Office, and lay your fingers on your keyboard. But before you type, the inevitable obstacle comes to your mind---how are you going to lure your audience into reading your paper?
This ultimately happens to everyone writing a paper. A paper is read by choice, you can’t force anyone to read your paper. Sure it can be an assignment reading, but a person won’t fully enjoy the paper and retain it if there isn’t anything interesting about it. When writing a paper, your audience should be kept in mind. You don’t want to bore your audience with dull facts and redundant information; you want them to be genuinely interested in your topic. Therefore the opening paragraph should instantly grab their attention and should be taken into careful consideration how important the opening paragraph is. This is one of two obstacles that I think is the hardest when I approach a paper.
The way I start off my opening paragraph is with a paragraph that is easily relatable to my audience. First I think about what my audience would want to hear and what would be interesting to them, and then I try to sum it up in one paragraph.

The second hardest obstacle I have trouble finishing on a paper is the conclusion. The conclusion is supposed to remind your audience what you were talking about and what is most important to remember. It is suppose to have a lasting impression that hopefully will dwell in your audience minds. I find this difficult because you have to sum up everything that is in your paper, to one tiny paragraph
The conclusion and opening paragraph is essential. It is like meeting a new person; you want to make a good first impression, and a lasting one.

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